Friday, May 9, 2014

Not how I planned it.

This morning I woke up giddy. I had not slept well but that did not slow down my upbeat rhythm for the morning. My night had been filled with panic inducing dreams, all of which ended in my scheduled ultrasound being cancelled. ( I kid not)  The after effect of the dreams was strong enough that I even called the doctor at 9:00 to confirm my appointment-which was planned for an hour later.

Today would be the day I found out the gender of the sweet little babe I've had in my tummy for 20 weeks. I had even held off thinking about baby names, the nursery, clothing items....every little delightful detail until after this appointment. A lot was hanging on this ultrasound. Even my children were waiting anxiously to discover if their hopes and predictions would come to be. It was 9:37, almost time to go when my husband came down the stairs, phone in hand, and gives it to me.

 "This is Dr. C office and we are sorry but we have to cancel all his appointments for today." I responded immediately, "He will be gone ALL DAY?" Gently the nurse replied, "That is what he said, he has two deliveries happening." Swallowing the lump of sadness and frustration in my throat I found myself starting to beg, "Aren't there any technicians who could do it for him?"  I knew of course there were not, but I wanted to be offered some alternative. Heck, give me the machine-trust me, with enough time I would have found the gender of that baby! The real kicker came when they scheduled me for a week, A WEEK!! later. Barf.

Few things in life disappoint me as much as highly anticipated events crumbling. As I hung up the phone disappointment did not really touch how I felt. If you must picture the scene that ensued know that I was not the only one crying, the two small children hugging me in comfort were weeping as well.  Big, fat, nasty, stinky bummer!

 My emotions are still fluctuating between bitterness and optimism that the office will at any moment call and tell me to come in RIGHT NOW. Anyway, it all is not longer needed since I know it is a boy.  How do I know? Isabelle told me since I was so disappointed at not finding out she had prayed to God to tell her what we were having and He told her a boy. So there you have it folks a boy it is. (wink)

In effort to make the best of the situation and allow myself a little daydreaming privileges I have decided to show a few items I would love to have for a boy and for a girl. And please, if you know the nurse warn her that if she calls me again on Friday to cancel I am coming in and not leaving until I know. Thanks.
Girl Baby


Baby Boy

images taken from here , here, here and here

1 comment:

emily said...

Your boy list makes me want to go have myself a boy asap!