Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wheaton's French Market

    When Saturdays are free and unplanned (a rare and beautiful treat) around here we often wander over to our local French Market. I had a vision of me pouring over each stand, smelling the countless bunches of flowers, purchasing little cartons of berries, grabbing a hot coffee and walking home feeling very "French" indeed. In reality it went nothing like that at all. This week it was whining kids (actually just one, who kept reminding me it was not fun for him to be doing this) hot weather and overcrowded aisles. If my little family of five stopped for one minute it felt like a tidal wave of people were pushing us onward, either with their bodies or their glares. Not the best time I have ever had. But, but, we did get some delicious doughnuts and that must count for something!

Once again, doughnuts saved the day...I mean look at those faces:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is how we do the market: one or both of us takes the kids to get donuts. Then we eat them sitting on that west wall/bench... and go home. If I really want flowers or vegetables I go back later in the day by myself. Those crowded aisles are a KILLER with little kids!