Thursday, August 30, 2012

be might want to drink it

I adore salsa. I am not crazy about pica de gallo, but smooth salsa is one of my love languages. I have tried time and time again to find the perfect salsa. I don't mean one that "will do" or "is better than from a jar"; I am talking salsa that makes you want to drink it because it is that good.

I have found it. How do I know I found it? Well let me put it this way-I made a huge bowl (like the largest mixing bowl of those stacking acrylic mixing bowls) on a Monday and by Wednesday night we were out. I did give one cupful to a neighbor who was in need of some salsa...(I love my neighbors..we give each other cups of salsa as well as sugar) but besides them we polished it off as if we had been drinking it. 

Here is the recipe.

15 roma tomatoes (slice in half and place flat side down on a baking sheet...preferably with parchment or foil lining it)
2-3 white onions (sliced into fourths and placed on the baking sheet)
8-10  peeled garlic cloves (I like to do this one to personal taste since I love feel free to play around-place these on the baking sheet too)
2-4 jalapenos, seeded (I use only two and mine packed the perfect amount of heat for me but again customize this one to your heart's content-place them inside down on the baking sheet)

Bake the above in oven preheated to 375 degrees...I usually bake for around an hour because I find the longer it goes the deeper the flavor, but you only need to bake it until the onions take on a translucent appearance.

In a blender place.....
1-2 bunches of cilantro
1-2 TBS of salt (I use kosher-I like things super salty!!)
1-2 lime juice freshly squeezed 

Working in batches add the delicious bubbling contents from the baking sheet to the blender and puree until smooth. I like to have a huge bowl that I dump each blended batch into-it makes the process run a lot quicker. Once everything is blended taste and taste and taste and (down a cup) grab some chips and enjoy!!  I just finished making another huge bowl...I wonder how long this one will last?

 How long did your batch last...since I KNOW you will be wanting to try this one!!

1 comment:

Joy Becker said...

We picked lots of tomatoes from the garden this weekend and Stephen just made this! Yum yum!!!!