Monday, October 1, 2012

the whole spectrum of a Saturday

1. eat amazing toast (I will include the recipe soon-my friend Leah taught me and I have had it three times since then) and drink dark, strong coffee by a fire

2. go to an Anthropologie in-store fashion show with my ever stylish friend Jessica and her adorable sister (maybe even buy a piece or two.....from the sale rack of course!!)

3. rush home and swap out my "Anthro" outfit for my "play at the park with small children" outfit-jeans with holes and an athletic shirt

4. head to the park to watch a group of friends (and my hot hubs) play softball while I get to lead the cheering section full of little beans:)

It was a good Saturday-the whole spectrum of things I love. I treasure days that cover all the bases like that....what would your "whole spectrum" day include?


Chloe said...

Sounds like a great Saturday. Love the pics of your chubby little beans!

Jessica said...

Such a fun time with you Saturday. Loved to sitting next to you at the fashion show and hearing your thoughts!