Saturday, June 2, 2012

our "new" grill

One of the benefits of having rather wealthy people live near us is sometimes throw things away that are amazing. This time-it was a grill. A fully functioning, beautiful (once we cleaned it) grill!! Unreal. Simply unreal. And in case you are curious...they did have a brand new one the next day....thank you neighbors for upgrading, we are eternally grateful!
the men scrubbing it clean (the also used a power washer-they don't mess around)
So of course we needed to use our "new" grill that very night!! And we did my friends, we certainly did. Hot dogs, hamburgers, rubbed chicken, grilled onions, and grilled peppers! So. Stinkin. Good.

Since then I have been looking all over for fabulous things to make on the grill. And the best part-you can make really inexpensive meals that taste so divine and complex simply because you grilled it! Now here is where you all come in.....what things do I just need to make on my grill? I am counting on you!


Chloe said...

Our grill died at the end of last summer. Sad face. I'd love to score such a great find!!

A must grill? Pineapple slices on skewers. Yum-o!

Nohemi Tutterrow said...

Whoa, a free grill! And that’s not just some run-of-the-mill, ordinary grill; it looks like it’s topnotch! I don’t blame you for casting around for other stuff to cook in it. Anyway, my favorite thing to cook in my own grill is lamb chops. We sprinkle it with a bit of hot sauce while it’s cooking to give it a kick.