Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Since almost all I own is currently packed up....when artistic inspiration hits I have to find something to meet the need with. I found a youtube video that shows one how to crocheting and since then I have made Isabelle three hats. Good thing warm weather is finally here huh....I know my timing is amazing. But hey-at least I am having fun. If I ever get really good I might even sell a few on esty:) I have a few pictures of her modeling the hats....somehow they make her seem Asian...not sure what it is about them.

High Point: Eating at Egg Harbor for the second day in a row with Nate...and having the front desk lady at the docs telling me we have overpaid them $212.50.....We'll take it!

Low Point: Watching Isabelle get her shots in her legs, while she weeps uncontrollably...while I hold her little arms down:(

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